Qendra për Promovimin e Konkurrueshmërisë

Fusha e Konsulences: 


I. Consultant Identification
Consultant Name The Center for Competitiveness Promotion Contact Person Alida Kondi
Country Albania Legal Status Non-profit organisation
City Tirana Consultant Ownership Other
Address Rr."Hamid Shijaku" P.6 ap.3 Tirana Percent Private 100
Year Established 2011
Telephone 00355 692141920    
Email address alida.kondi@gmail.com    
Website http://www.ccp.al    
 II. Consultant Information
Services offered 
Market Analysis & Planning     
Development Planning     √ Textiles/Apparel/Footwear   √
Feasibility Study  √ Travel/Tourism   √
Partner Search     √ Wholesale/Retail Distribution   √
Reorganisation/ Restructuring     √ Wood Processing/Furniture/Forestry   √
Food & Beverages        
Please list any certification, qualification, membership of associations, or training participated in    
Name (type of certification/ qualification, name of association, or title of course) Location Year
Accredired as CertifiedTechnology and Innovation Auditor Tirana, Albanian Investment development Agency AIDA 2011
III. Consultant Profile
Project design and implementation aiming the enhancement of competitiveness of businesses, institutions and organisations through innovation and internationalisation.
Analysis, research and counselling on education, training, employment, entrepreneurship and career development.
Consultancy and technical assistance for private sector development and SME policy.
Design and implementation of training needs assessment and capacity building  programmes for the staff involved in education, training, SMEs, hotel and tourism industry, etc.
Cooperation and partnership promotion between Albanian and international organisations that support business, education and training development.
Management of human resource and company re-organisation, etc.
Event organisation and moderation (conferences, workshops, seminars) for business partnership promotion.